02-26-24 Busy at Prism Research James Xu, Founder

Prism has been busy in the background working to release some of our first publications and research projects. It has been a super new and exciting experience for us, and we hope to grow and learn rapidly in the near future. As of now, we have self-published 2 papers with 3 more on the way. Our delayed publication, Emulating Fundamental Analysts with Machine Learning, is a paper we are very excited to release. In addition to our planned Vega Options trading research, which will be based off of our paper Quantifying Security Volatility and Volume and IV-Based Momentum Options Pricing and Stagnation, Prism Research will be participating in IMC Trading's Prosperity 2 competition. We will release our results and methodology to both of these trading projects, but the exact code/details will be proprietary. We hope to make some cool stuff soon, and we hope you will be there to see it.

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